Twisted dreams your dreams twisted
Paralyse paralyse your senses paralyse
Instinct Instinct violently instinct
Penetrate penetrate melt down penetrate
You and I fade into universe
You and I fuckin' universe
You queen of fuckin' universe
I am the king of fuckin' lizard
Ferocious ferocious greedy ferocious
Hi pressure hi pressure graceful hi pressure
Feel it feel it till the end feel into
No limit no limit rise above no limit
You and I fade into universe
You and I fuckin' universe
You queen of fuckin' universe
I am the king of fuckin' lizard
Invocation invocation once again invocation
Convulsion convulsion this world convulsion
Steal it steal it forme me steal it
Deprise it deprive it from you deprise it
Crush the car Brake the line
Erase the past blow the suppress
Fill the Blank (4)
Come close to me So far from me (2)
Twisted dreams your dreams twisted
Paralyse paralyse my senses paralyse, paralyse
Ascertain ascertain our truth ascertain
Celebrate celebrate sinfully celebrate
Crumble up crumble up our hopes crumble up
Flash back flash back not fiction flash back
You and I fade into universe
You and I fuckin' universe
You queen of fuckin' universe
I am the king of fuckin' lizard
Crumble up crumble up two of us